Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has an increasing number of employees as we rapidly grow. Every one of them plays an indispensable role in their own department. For example, designers are responsible for working out the most unique and eye-catching design for products based on customers' needs. Our employees are highly-educated and well-trained and they keep learning from the world-leading companies, and further constantly keep up with the latest trends, so as to develop unique products for satisfying customers' needs.
NIUCUNZH has become more and more influential in leather shoulder bag industry. Marrant provides a wide range of genuine leather bag for customers. This product has good seam quality. All its seams on the fabric lie completely flat without puckering and are neat, secure, and reinforced. It can be designed with added features such as detachable shoulder straps and convenient side pockets. This product meets the evolving application needs of customers. It has excellent resilience and flexural strength.
We are working hard to drive progress towards a sustainable future. Our efforts in promoting sustainable development include introducing management systems in line with international standards for the environment. For example, any production waste will be seriously treated to guarantee no harmful emission.