Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd spares no efforts to create new products and deliver them to market based on different needs. This amount is really a surprise, but the launch will be unquestionable. We've got a research and development group specializing in product design and improvement. Every year we make a significant investment in research and development.
By offering high-quality genuine leather travel wallet and professional genuine leather travel wallet, NIUCUNZH has the power to enter a wider market. Marrant provides a wide range of leather briefcase for customers. Marrant is highly responsible to our customers and use superior raw material all the time. It sells well in Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East. This product is highly preferred among clients with great cost-effectiveness. It is not susceptible to environmental factors such as mud, dirt, and grit, therefore suitable for trekking and other outdoor activities.
Our current goal is to expand the overseas market and to be a leader as soon as possible. Under this aim, we will strengthen our R&D ability, and grasp the market trends to make ourselves stand in an advantageous position.