There's a balance between output and sales signal of travel duffle bag leather in Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd. We've devoted ourselves to the manufacturing for several years. We can fulfill with the industry requirement. Year on year increase has been achieved in sales volume.
We are the leader in the genuine leather wallet market. leather shoulder bag is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. NIUCUNZH leather bags manufacturer is designed with a kind of decoration element by experienced designers in the research and development team, Which makes the product not only have an illuminance capacity but also it serve as decor to the surroundings. Its lining, if any, is made of polyester cotton. The product is built to last. It adopts ultraviolet cured urethane finishing, which makes it resistant to damage from abrasion and chemical exposure, as well as to the effects of temperature and humidity changes. The texture of its leather will change with time, exhibiting an antique effect.
Aware of the importance of environmental sustainability, we built our own water treatment facilities based on the ecological goal of preventing contamination of our local environment, safely treating all of our effluents.