Overall, the outcome of shoulder bag in Sofie Bag Co., Ltd. is steady each month. But, it might change based upon the period (peak or off-season). Monthly production can vary when there are numerous sizes or colors. Our production is elastic. It's flexible if there's an urgent order.
Sofie Bag is a mature Chinese company of small insulated lunch bag manufacturing. We are proud to be the "Preferred Partner" for most leading brands. Various in styles, Sofie Bag's shoulder bag can meet the needs of different customers. The modernized production mode accelerates Sofie cotton tote bags production process. Constructed out of dirt-proof materials, the product is easy to clean. This product can always retain its original shape. Its shape is unaffected by temperature variations, pressure, or any form of collision. Its fabric is skin-friendly, which induces no allergy to the human body.
We strive to achieve our sustainability goals. We take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, solid landfill waste, and water consumption.