In 2018, we processed all orders of shoulder bag received that year when our factory worked at full capacity. Currently, we are capable of processing the orders we receive 1-2 months ago. This means that each order, in any quantity, can be processed within two months and the goods can be delivered at the end of the second month. We have planned to continue to expand the production capacity so that we can withstand the increasing number of orders.
Established years ago, Sofie Bag Co., Ltd. is a Chinese manufacturer of insulated bag that has a vast background in this industry. Various in styles, Sofie Bag's china bag can meet the needs of different customers. The product is non-poisonous. It has passed the materials ingredient test which proves that it does not contain xylene and other harmful substances. Its fabric is skin-friendly, which induces no allergy to the human body. The service of Sofie is well known in travel bag industry. The fabric used is naturally antimicrobial and can effectively resist the growth of bacteria.
We have established a strategic goal based on the industry. We would like to integrate more kinds of technologies into our business, such as advanced IT and intelligence, hoping to help us launch new products or increase gross revenue.