Qidong Joyson Toys Co., Ltd has obtained the production technology of plush travel pillow and becomes a leading manufacturer on the market. Over the years, the company has become a professional manufacturer, providing small-scale manufacturers with one-stop solutions for customers worldwide. As a company with advanced technology and innovative technology, we have been encouraging the revolution and development of our business.
As a plush pet toy manufacturer, Joyson is quite professional. According to the material, Joyson's products are divided into several categories, and holiday plush toys is one of them. The manufacturing process of Joyson plush items covers a range of steps, mainly including designing, fabric pre-treating (cleaning and shrinking), fabric cutting, sewing, size finalizing, ironing, and packing. The product is resistant to the squeezing and extruding. The product has good colorfastness. There is no excessive dye deposition on the fabric surface, which affects the fastness of the fabric. The soft stuffed-plush heads help encourage cuddles.
We believe in being Customer-Centric in order to forge a long term alliance with our valued clients and maintaining flexibility and ethics in all our dealings and commitments.