Overall, the output of stand up pouch in Guangdong Shunde YiLan Packaging Co., Ltd. is stable every month. However, it may change depending on the season (peak or off-season). Monthly production may vary when there are various sizes or colors. Our manufacturing is flexible. It is adjustable if there is an urgent request.
YiLan Packaging has full ability to deliver side gusset bag on time and with high quality. According to the material, YiLan Packaging's products are divided into several categories, and pouch packaging is one of them. The product has the expected repeatability. It can return to the same location multiple times under the same conditions. The product is praised for its great gloss. This product with tightly sewn seams is not likely to fall apart during normal use. People can be assured that this product will not suddenly burst at the seams. The product is widely received for its abrasion performance.
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