Distinct from labor and manufacturing cost, the cost of the materials plays an important role in pricing Cigar box. To reduce the material cost, a professional producer will estimate the number of materials as required at the beginning of the production work and try their best to reduce materials' waste. It has been proved that a high utilization ratio of raw material directly contributes to a reduced cost on purchasing materials and a more favorable price of the finished products as well.
Smart Dragon Plastic Products Co.,Ltd. has developed storage baskets products that are widely used by customers. According to the material, Smart Dragon's products are divided into several categories, and plastic products is one of them. The product is safe to use. The materials used in the product are inspected to exclude any harmful substances. It is known as lead and mercury-free. It is highly appraised by customers from Nigeria, Chad, Nepal, Ghana, Australia, UK and Sweden. Using this product acts as a way to express people's individual style. It says something about who they are and represents their personal choices.
Listing plastic products as the premise under the stricter production process than what customers want will help SMART DRAGON win more customer. Get an offer!