There are various ways for customers to contact Guangzhou Rida Tent Manufacturing Co., Ltd,'s after-sales team. Since founded, we have established strong after-sale system including online communication on Twitter, Facebook, phone, E-mail and so on, which can help customers contact us in a convenient way. You may tell any of our staff about the problems you have encountered, we will arrange our professional staff to contact you immediately.
Rida Tent is known to be "the choice of professionals" worldwide. We develop, produce, and distribute warehouse tent for global customers. The wedding tent series is widely praised by customers. The product features electrical safety. Its electrical faults have been identified and potential hazards that would hurt human have been removed. Its surface can be treated to be bright or matte. This product boosts productivity for employees, making them have a sense of workplace satisfaction and working happiness in their daily work. Its substrate is protected from corrosion as the product surface can naturally form an oxide film.
Rida tent is known for its superb service. Ask online!