There are a lot of channels for you to reach the after-sales service division of Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory. On our official website, there are several contact methods listed at the bottom of the website and also the "Contact Us" page. They include valid telephone numbers, e-mail address, Skype, and so on, any of which is available to contact our after-sale service department. The department consists of several professionals who have spent years providing customers across the world with prompt and highly responsive service. Their profession and dedication to their work have earned them a lot of praises.
HeYing Slide Rail is a leading supplier of high quality aluminum table slides in global market. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's heavy table slides can meet the needs of different customers. HeYing Slide Rail aluminum table slides is designed by experts who master the know-how of style design in the industry. Therefore, it is elaborately designed and is of eye-catching appearance. It contains heavy-duty carbon steel springs, which makes it highly resistant to aging. The product has excellent hand touch feeling. People will find that it is smooth to touch without burrs feeling. The ball-bearing functionality ensures smooth opening and closing action.
We’ve always been passionate about doing the right thing for employees and giving them a great experience. As we continue to grow we’re taking our passion and focus for people to the next level.