There are various ways for customers to contact YUEQING KAISEN TRADING CO., LTD's after-sales team. Since founded, we have established strong after-sale system including online communication on Twitter, Facebook, phone, E-mail and so on, which can help customers contact us in a convenient way. You may tell any of our staff about the problems you have encountered, we will arrange our professional staff to contact you immediately.
KAISEN TRADING has developed full range of wire crimper such as cable crimping tool. KAISEN TRADING's cable clip series contains multiple sub-products. The design of MKS cable crimping tool resorts to different technologies. Take its print circuit board as an example, it is designed using CAD, CAM, and light painting technology by the technicians. It has both electrical insulation and mechanical properties. 'The acoustic qualities are superb, enabling events to be run in adjacent rooms without interference', said one of the hotel owners. It is guaranteed to have no leakage of electricity.
Accurate market positioning of KAISEN TRADING allows you the highest return on investment. Welcome to visit our factory!