You may ask for the information about the extended warranty of handbag chain from our staff. This warranty is valid for products selling worldwide. Our product enjoys a warranty repair service, and it's usually worth getting. After repair, the product should be returned to you in good-as-new condition. Sometimes, the extended warranty never used. Buying an extended warranty is similar to buying health insurance, which we might never need, but we all know that "precaution is better than a cure". In cases of a large repair bill, an extended warranty acts as a savior and covers all the expenses.
DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd has occupied most part of market by its high quality strap buckle. Various in styles, MYJOY Metal Accessory's strap buckle can meet the needs of different customers. With a team of highly specialized designer, our MYJOYstrap buckle is given an aesthetic appearance design. With the minor improvement in a connection point, the product is known as stylish, elegant and stable. This product is hypoallergenic. The chemicals used in its fabric and coating are safe and they won't rub off onto the skin. The product is safe for those with nickel allergy as it contains no nickel.
Our company's commitment to social responsibility can be seen in our business activities. We will spare no effort to lower the carbon footprint and reduce every negative impact on the environment.