Shenzhen Unigreat technology co., LTD. gives customers the option to extend the warranty of smart socket. In this way, we hope our customers will feel more comfortable with their orders. But please note that from Chinese manufacturers, the warranty cost is usually included in the price of the product whereas an extended warranty costs extra and is sold separately. You shall consider whether the product will require repair and the possible cost of such repairs. It is suggested that customers make a decision at the time of purchase, or within a few more days or weeks to return to us and purchase the extension.
Unigreat boasts a proud history of innovation and focuses on delivering exceptional smart accessories. We have been one of the most competitive suppliers. door sensor produced by Unigreat is very popular in the market. Unigreat Smart Bulb wifi smart outlet is sophisticatedly designed. It is an outcome of the vast technical expertise of building systems, materials and computer devices and constant alteration of models. It can resist the heavy pressure of competition and has a broad market prospect.
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