Contact Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. sales team via channels you prefer provided at the Contact Us page. Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a key step in your China sourcing plan to ensure the timeliness and quality of your production. To get an accurate and professional quote of best microblading products, please keep the following in mind. Make sure to be as detailed as possible with your product description. Typically, a quote request should at least include the following details about your product: model, order quantities, packaging requirements, customization needs, manufacturing technology requirements, etc.
Qinmei Cosmetics has earned a high reputation for its high quality micropigmentation eyebrows. We will show you the microblading needles series that is most popular with customers. As it is an essential part of the production process, the samples of Qingmei best microblading needles are carefully handled to ensure that the feel and look are right for customers' brand. The product features bacteria resistance and bacteriostasis. Silver series antibacterial material such as zeolite and silver-loaded activated carbon is blended in to kill the bacteria.
We take green production as our future development direction. We will focus on seeking sustainable raw materials, clean resources, and more environmental-friendly production ways.