Prices may be available on "Product" page. Please contact Guangzhou Ouyee Display Co.,Ltd. to get exact quotation of shop fittings based on your order quantity. The quotation may be different based on the order quantity, transport, etc. Discount may be offered if you are a new client or the order quantity is significant.
As one of the prominent clothing shelves manufacturer, OUYEE is takes the lead in this field. Ouyee's electronic shop display series include multiple types. Before delivery, OUYEE makeup retail display undergoes a series of quality assurances control including validation of product stability and compatibility, the safety assessment of the ingredients and the evaluation of the regulatory conformity of labels and packaging material. Ouyee display furniture shows stable performance and long service life. We conduct a variety of rigorous tests to ensure that our products are defect free and meet high quality standards. Ouyee display furniture is designed by a team of professional designers.
our team upholds the ideas of quality first, sustainable development and constant innovation. Contact us!