For offering the most satisfying experience to customers, we pack one manual along with one set/piece of insulated bag together. The manual is compiled together by our designers, engineers, and workers and then verified by our managers. It explains the product's exterior design, internal structure, and step-by-step installation procedures, enabling users to install the product in a fast way. Contacting our Customer Service Center is the other way of knowing how to install the product since the staff working in the center are well trained to have a deep knowledge of the product.
Sofie Bag Co., Ltd. is a highly competitive company which integrates R&D, manufacture, sale, and service of insulated bag. Sofie Bag focuses on providing a variety of china bag for customers. backpack is a safe and eco-friendly quality product. It is made from superior materials and is free of harmful substances. Fine in workmanship, it has no scratches, cracks, and obvious bump defects. The product is an excellent way to take the stress out of everyday fatigue. It improves overall efficiency and simplifies household tasks. This product is characterized by proper air permeability.
Sofie Bag hopes to become a listed company with the greatest investment value. Please contact.