Browse detailed product page and contact Customer Service before you place an order on school bag. Customer Services Support is available during its service lifetime. And the customer service team will guarantee the supply of fast, professional support.
Sofie Bag Co., Ltd. was founded years, being defined as a differentiated, high-quality, and cost-controlled manufacturer of running waist pack. waist bag is the main product of Sofie Bag. It is diverse in variety. This product is characterized by scratch resistance. Because of the hard surface layer, the sharp objects will not leave scratches on the surface. Made of highly durable materials that are tightly woven, it can effectively resist puncturing. Its reliability, efficiency, and longevity have won over many users in the market. Especially the long service life of the product offers great convenience for users, because users are free of the trouble of replacing bulbs frequently. The product doesn't easily wrinkle, shrink or elongated after washing.
Sofie is equipped with professional service team to serve customers well. Contact!