Our bookmark is designed for easy operation. Just follow the instructions in our offered operation guidance manual, it won’t go wrong. And we can also view our videos about the operation on our website. It is really easy. When there is any problem in operation, such as malfunction, unstable operation, you could contact us at any time. We are always ready to offer you efficient support. Cooperating with us, you can not only get high quality products, but also attentive after-sales support.
Established years ago, Wenzhou Maotong Crafts Co., Ltd. has the knowledge and experience to maintain China's top promotion gifts manufacturer status. Maotong has created a number of successful series, and metal medal is one of them. For the manufacturing of Maotong custom trophy maker, the specially prepared wood materials are selected. Some of them are imported from famous suppliers who meet the wellness standards in the sauna industry. This product is sold to famous brands, such as Disney, DHL, LONGINES, Walmart, or DELL. This product comes on at 100% brightness almost instantly with no re-strike delay, which can advantageous in complete darkness. Brand information or logo can be tin soldered or laser engraved on the product.
Maotong Every day strive to pursue the quality of perfection fridge magnet. Please contact us!