Contact our Customer Service if you need to put an order for handbag labels. For your advantage, We'll have arrangements in speed that say clearly how every circumstance is to be solved. Details such as shipping dates, guarantee terms, substance specs will be mentioned in the contract.
Since its beginning, DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd has been offering high-quality handbag labels. MYJOY Metal Accessory's strap buckle series contains multiple sub-products. The product is eco-friendly. The materials used can be recycled after years of use. Even when not recycled, the materials do not cause any damage to the environment. The components of the product are characterized by enhanced sturdiness and wear resistance. It is characterized by high luminous efficiency yet low power consumption, which makes users benefit a lot from it, such as cost cut in electricity bills. The product is safe for those with nickel allergy as it contains no nickel.
We are committed to improving sustainability – using natural resources responsibly, reducing the impact of our operations and eliminating waste.