Generally, we adopt both traditional and up-to-date methods of selling our bookmark. One is offline sales which need the help of agents and distributors. It is still a prime way for purchasers to get the products they want but it takes a long time. The other is selling online. More and more companies including us are realizing the potential of reaching their customers by selling directly online now. We've established our own website which covers all the necessary information about our company introduction, product advantages description, purchase ways, and so on. Customers are welcome to contact us and place an order directly.
Wenzhou Maotong Crafts Co., Ltd. is a well-known domestic military challenge coins manufacturer. We have the expertise and experience to lead the market. Maotong has created a number of successful series, and trolley token is one of them. The wood materials used in Maotong magnet kitchens have proven track record for performance and are sourced from established brands using reliable suppliers. Pictures and characters can be engraved or soldered on it. Some of our customers who bought this product 3 years ago said the product is highly resistant to wear and tear, and it still looks like the new one even used for such a long time. The robust metal structure makes it build to last.
Maotong is committed to making we the first domestic brand. Get an offer!