There are a lot of methods to purchase dental floss , including online purchase, offline order, and so on. As we keep promoting the product online, we set some company links in the marketing content, and customers can click the link to access to our official website. Also, you can contact our sales directly via email or phone, they will be glad to help you. As for the offline purchase, customers can visit our factory. Once you are satisfied, you can sign the contract on-site, with all duty and responsibility clarified.
Presently, Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd. is one of the biggest best flossing tools R&D and production bases in China. As one of Lvsheng's multiple product series, toothpick brush series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. LvSheng dental floss stick is made of premium woods. These woods are strictly selected by our experts. These wood come from the deep forest and then undergo a series of performance tests. The product is very flexible in use for caring for the teeth. This product has long service life and stable performance. It has a great force of friction for efficient cleaning effect.
Seeking the harmonious development of LvSheng and society will make great contributions to the toothpick brush industry. Please contact us!