Canvas backpacks are some of the coolest bags on the market. They are becoming more and more popular everyday due to their unique look and functionality.
The natural look of these bags gives them what we like to call situational versatility, which is why many users hold on to these bags for years.
Many of us have an old or a favorite fashion canvas handbag that we will always hold onto. It has given us many years of compliments and great use.
To help you maintain the look of your bag for years to come it’s extremely important you learn how to clean a canvas bag the right without damaging it.
What is a Canvas Backpack
A Canvas backpack is a carrier bag made of a durable plain-woven fabric. Most of the Canvas products we see today are made from either linen or cotton.
This fabric type is slightly unique, because of the form in which it is weaved. Canvas is plain-woven, meaning it’s an over and under weave similar to a picnic basket.
You may also see this material being used by many artist in the art world. Canvas is also used on messenger bags, backpacks, shoes, sails and many other items.
Steps On How To Wash A Canvas Backpack
1.You want to begin by using a soft brush with water gently scrubbing the surface of the canvas as to not damage it. Move the brush in a circular motion removing any stains or dirt from the backpack.Saturate the nylon brush with water and scrub at the outer surfaces of the canvas with the brush.
2.Grab a towel and push it on to the canvas to remove any water from the bag after the initial scrubbing
3.Get a cup or bowl and mix 1 cup of warm water with a table spoon of a mild soap.
4.Once you have your bowl you can soak your brush in it and repeat the process to get rid of any difficult to remove stains.
5.Use the same towel as before to soak any of the soap and water that may remain after each use.
6.If you’re still having difficulties removing stains you can use a dry-cleaning stain remover. Simply apply it, let it soak and remove it with a damp soft-cloth.
7.Place the backpack outside in the sun until dry.
8.Feel free to spray a water resistant product to protect the canvas after it is dry.
Additional Tips for Maintaining A Canvas Bag
1.You should always be careful on where or what you place your canvas shoulder bag on. Most of the damage or dirt comes from placing your bag on a dirty floor.
2.You can pre condition your bag with products that protect canvas. Purchasing a sealer or a fabric protector can be useful in the prevention of damaging your bag.
3.If you’re nervous about using any products you can use apply a small amount on a small part of the bag no one ever sees. If the product works as described, you can now apply it to the rest of the bag.
4.After daily use you can also use a soft bristled brush to remove any dirt that may have accumulated throughout the day.
5.If your ever caught in a rain storm and your bag is soaked. Remove all of your things out of the bag and let it air dry. Remember to stretch the bag a little before air drying it.
6.Do not use any blow dryer or tools you feel can dry the bag quicker. Let the sun slowly dry it to avoid any damage.
7.Canvas stains or discoloration may require you to purchase a fabric cleaner.
Now that you have the basic fundamentals on how to clean a canvas backpack we ask that you carefully treat your bag so to not ruin it.
You should be extra careful using any chemical products to treat your bag. Do the proper research and read reviews carefully to make sure your bag last for many years.
As long as you apply common sense when applying these methods your bag will be in good shape for many years to come.
If you like to put groceries or open pens in the bag either think twice about doing or make sure the pen caps are on and the food is properly covered.