Before shipment, Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory will perform strict test on each aluminum slide rail to make sure they are flawless. During the production process, we strictly apply precise and professional crafts to ensure the high quality of the products. Equipped with professional and experienced QC team, the quality can be more guaranteed. Please rest assured that we will test products before shipment.
HeYing Slide Rail is a leading manufacturer of top-class stainless steel ball slides. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's stainless steel ball slides can meet the needs of different customers. HeYing Slide Rail table extension slides is an innovative design product developed by the concerted effort of a strong R&D team and professional design team. It is in response to the requirements of home and abroad customers. The product has passed the salt spray test. The product has an excellent rebound capacity, providing maximum comfort and softness for people who are suffering from foot pain. It can be made of aluminum or stainless steel materials.
Our priority is to sustain the growth of client numbers. Our corporate will be geared consistently to the customers’ requirements and help them reach their commercial targets, which ultimately helps increase customer satisfaction.