The Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is one of many types of quality control inspections conducted by Guangzhou Tongyang Electronics Co., Ltd.. This inspection is done according to standard QC Test, or based upon customer requirements. Samples are selected and inspected for defects at random, according to these standards and procedures. For us, Pre-Shipment Inspection is an important step in the quality control process and is the method for checking the quality of bobbin in transformer before they are shipped.
Ee core bobbins produced by Tongyang Electronics take the lead in domestic market. Tongyang Electronics produces a number of different product series, including magnetics core. Since we have been concentrating on high quality product, this product has been ensured in terms of the quality. It has a tight tolerance level both physical and electrical sections. We have found that this product has a tendency to be more applicable. The design and performance of this product are RoHS compliant.
Our company is striving for green manufacturing. Rigorous conservation and efficiency programs minimize the use of natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.