Yes, the installation of leather business bag is included in the service system Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd provides. It is mainly offered by our mechanical engineers with years of experience and knowledge about the product structure. They are well trained to be amiable and practical. They ensure the product is perfectly assembled in limited time, providing extra convenience to customers. Their performance is highly related to and even determined by the comments given by the customers. So customers can expect a delightful installation service.
Marrant has earned a wealth of expertise in the production of genuine leather briefcase. Our ability in R&D and manufacture has made us an expert. The leather briefcase series is one of the main products of Marrant. NIUCUNZH custom leather fanny packs is exquisitely designed with a perfect match of Lumen and color temperature to emit adequate illumination and yet without over brightness which causes dazzling. Its leather will absorb oil from the skin. This natural process will cause the leather to form a glossy layer. The product consumes very little energy, hence, the solar power stored in its battery can be used for many hours. It is made of full-grain cowhide leather.
Our company has recognized the importance of practicing sound environmental policies to create a healthy living condition for future generations. We also encourage our employees to embrace our company's value and work together to make it true. Get an offer!