YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD is very proud to say that we are a factory/ manufacturer doing exports business. Since the inception, we have made every effort to run the business nationwide. Now we have several distributors at home. Additionally, we have strived for overseas expansion since we got the export license. Now we are confident to say that our women handbag is well recognized for its superior quality. We have a plan to build our brand image which could be our label one day.
Jinxi Bags is very professional in manufacturing and supplying tote bag. Jinxi Bags's clutch bag series include multiple types. This product touches very smooth and cool. The glaze is evenly and shapely done after low-temperature firing, cooling, and high-temperature firing processes. It serves brands including Disney, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. Jinxi Bags always strive to diversify its product range for backpacks. It serves brands including Disney, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.
our team will always provide high-quality tote bag and professional after-sales service. Contact!