High repurchase rate reflects that customers often buy products from a company. For us, there are a lot of loyal customers coming to us for FOSHAN NANHAI LISHUI XINGJUN JIXIANG PLASTIC FACTORY pet monofilament . Since established, we have firmly believed the business principle that customer always comes first. So, we have been focusing our time and energy on improving our product quality and optimizing product performance so as to satisfy the needs of customers and improve customer satisfaction. In addition, we ensure considerate and professional after-sales service. These ways can naturally leave a deep impression on customers, which brings us high repurchase rate.
As a China-based manufacturing company, JIXIANG has stood out in the market for its strong manufacturing foundation and expertise in bristles on a brush. filament materials is the main product of JIXIANG. It is diverse in variety. The good-looking appearance of plastic fiber has caught the eyes of more customers. The advanced line is run for the monofilament extruding. Our excellent R&D team has greatly improved the quality and performance of our products. The quality control is taken strictly to guarantee that the diameter is of high accuracy.
Jixiang aims to be a leading plastic monofilament supplier. Inquire!