The Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is one of many types of quality control inspections conducted by Guangzhou Yitiantang Filter Material Co., Ltd. With no exception, kettle filter replacement is also inspected for quality control before shipment. This inspection is based on the product's Standard Acceptable Quality Limit specification or customer request. Based on these criteria and procedures, samples are randomly selected and defects are checked. The Pre-Shipment Inspection helps both ourselves and customers to reduce the potential risk of delivery delay or/and fix or redo products. At last, the product will be photographed to ensure that the order is in perfect condition, complete, and properly packaged for shipment.
As a company that specializes in carbon water filter manufacturing, Yitiantang Filter Material has become a renowned manufacturer in the industry. The filter kettle series is one of the main products of Yitiantang Filter Material. These unique ideas, styles, and design features will add personality to your carbon water filter. The operating system of this product is relatively simple. It combines powerful processing with simple operational instructions to achieve goals.
Placing water filter kettle as the key part in the development of Yestitan Filter Kettle. Inquire online!