Yes, lip gloss is fully tested before shipment. Guangzhou Bright Moon Cosmetics Co.,Ltd is a quality-oriented manufacturer with great achievements in quality control. Before we tapped into the global markets, we paid less attention to the ex-factory inspection, which results in the high rejection rate of the product. Now, since we have conducted detailed quality assurance rules and set up criteria for ex-factory product quality, the pass rate of the product has increased remarkably. Customers can rest assured about the product quality by remotely reviewing our QC process.
Bright Moon Cosmetics has been recognized as a reliable company in the international market with years of experience of designing, manufacturing, and marketing cosmetic products. The eye care product series has become a hot product of Bright Moon Cosmetics. cosmetic products's internal structure endows it with well performance such as oem beauty products. After using this product, it radiates glory shine to the skin. The product features great efficiency. It is reasonably and scientifically designed to realize maneuverability and high cleaning effect. This product provides enough moisture and nutrient to the skins.
Higher degree of customer satisfication is also a focus needs to be attentioned by Bright Moon. Get price!