Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd leather sling messenger bag has continually received high praises from customers from different industries. The product, made of well-selected materials conforming to the environmental protection standard, has been certified by international certifications. Moreover, we utilize expensive full-automation machines and make full use of state-of-the-art techniques. Based on the feedback, the product can withstand the test of time and functions perfectly in the precision, reliability, and durability just as we promise. This has boosted the business of our customers, increased their credibility, and brought them a lot of benefits.
We focus on making leather chest bag. women leather wallet is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. NIUCUNZH [genuine leather travel wallet is an innovative design raised by our research and development team. The team is devoting themselves to studying exclusive core technology to create more LED lights suitable for home, medical and commercial usages. Its accessories are made of strong hardware which will not bend under pressure. The product features strong resistance to corrosion. Non-corrosive materials have been used in its structure to enhance its capacity to withstand rust or acidity liquid. It is under brand NIUCUNZH or MARRANT. OEM/ODM is available.
We manage our business by our core values of balance, commitment, customer focus, integrity, and quality. Each member of our team lives by and practices these values every day.