A high repurchase rate reflects the ability of the company to retain customers. Yangzhou Mishi Toy&Gift co.,ltd. is proud to say that almost half of our customers have maintained long-term relationships with us for years. We have a deep belief that a high repurchasing rate is related not only to our products or services but also to the way we serve our existing customers. So, on the one hand, we consistently ensure product quality. Our high-quality products drive customers' loyalty, therefore contributing to the increasing repurchase rate. On the other hand, we conduct an in-depth analysis of customers' needs. This also adds their preferences and favors to our Mishi animal plush toys.
Mishi is thought highly of by competitors in this industry. We are notable for the quality plush toys and sincere customer service. As one of Mishi's multiple product series, plush wallet series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. industry knowledge can be applied into plush toys. This product has been certified under CE. It gives more ease and comfort, clinging perfectly to the body shape to cover the irregularity of the figure. This product features beautiful finished seams and stitches.
We are committed to consuming less, producing less waste, and reusing or recovering value from waste. During the production, the wastewater will be treated by advanced waste management facilities to reduce pollution.