High repurchase rate reflects that customers often buy products from a company. For us, there are a lot of loyal customers coming to us for MYJOY handbag labels. Since established, we have firmly believed the business principle that customer always comes first. So, we have been focusing our time and energy on improving our product quality and optimizing product performance so as to satisfy the needs of customers and improve customer satisfaction. In addition, we ensure considerate and professional after-sales service. These ways can naturally leave a deep impression on customers, which brings us high repurchase rate.
The advantage of large scaled factory helps DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd consolidate the status in the d ring buckle market. MYJOY Metal Accessory's eyelet rings series contains multiple sub-products. The product is lightweight yet sturdy enough. The materials used in it are fiberglass and a dedicated system of lock supports it and keeps its components firmly in position as fitted. Its dimensions are within a tolerance of less than 0.03mm. It adopts cold light illuminator which features low glare and produces zero thermal radiation and UV and infrared ray, thus, it is a green environmental light source. OEM and ODM services are provided for the product to have various designs.
Our corporate culture demands uncompromising and consistent adherence. We have set principles and standards that govern how we behave internally and when dealing with external partners.