The repurchase rate can be determined by product performance and product price. Ruifu Qifeng infant bath towels plays an important role in the market due to its relevant reasonable price and better quality. Thus its repurchase rate is higher than that of the other similar products. And our company also hold sales promotion, which can also help us to improve the repurchase rate and appeal to new customers, so as to enlarge our consumer group.
Through the strict test of newborn bath towel, the quality of our Ruifu Qifeng is guaranteed by us. Foshan Nanhai Ruifu Qifeng Towel Industrial Co.,Ltd produces a number of different product series, including baby towel series. This Ruifu Qifeng baby towel is composed of functional grade materials. Its textiles meet high safety and environmental standards. The product has an excellent heat dissipation effect. The groove design maximizes the contact space between the device and the heat to dislodge the heat out. The towel can be machine washed and hand washed.
With a commitment to continuous sustainability, we work hard to utilize the natural resources we consume including raw materials, energy, and water as efficiently as possible.