We've got our own QC operators responsible for carrying out quality tests conforming to the international standards. However, if customers ask for a third-party quality test for dosing system , we give our full support to satisfy your needs. The tested aspects are involved in products' technical specifications, measurements, the contents and formula of related raw materials, etc. The employees working for the third party engage in the whole spectrum of QC activities and are responsible for checking the quality. They can also provide quality reports for us and customers.
As a outstanding Expansion Tank System supplier, Changzhou Peide Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd are strong enough to equip with advanced technical force and professional technicians. Expansion Tank System is one of Peide Water Treatment Equipment's multiple product series. Our products are designed accordingly to the need of the customer, still keeping the roots of the creative process embedded in the artisan tradition. This product requires no electrical or mechanical drive connections. This product has broad market possibilities and potential. This product is highly portable thanks to its compact design.
Peide Water Treatment Equipment' purpose is to strengthen its technological power to be an expert in water conditioning system field. Ask online!