Some dental floss items on the internet are marked "Free Sample" and can be ordered as such. In general, Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd.'s regular products are available for free samples. However, if the customer has some specific requirements such as product size, material, color or LOGO, we shall charge the relevant costs. We keen for your understanding that we would like to charge the sample cost which will be deducted once the order is confirmed.
LvSheng is rated as the No.1 brand by many clients. Lvsheng focuses on providing a variety of dental floss stick for customers. In the production of LvSheng dental floss toothpick, the latest machining techniques is used. The product ensures no enlargement of users' teeth slits after using it. Our skilled professionals supervise the quality control throughout the production, greatly guaranteeing the quality of the product. Being gentle to the skin, the product will cause no damage to the gingival tissues.
Doing the best to provide toothpick brush with highest quality is the aim of LvSheng. Please contact.