Please contact our Customer Service for the information about the sample of handbag labels. The cost depends on the type of sample and whether a new tool is needed to produce its components. When ordering a factory sample that is already made instead of being manufactured according to the required design and specification, for example, you normally only need to pay for shipping. However, when ordering custom product samples, you may end up paying sn amount of money - all depending on the cost of the tool (if any).
The great development of DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd has made it a frontier in the field of handbag labels. MYJOY Metal Accessory's swivel snap hooks series contains multiple sub-products. The product features great hardness. It can withstand a certain amount of impacts and shocks without generating cracks on the surface. The product can be freely customized to meet specific requirements for colors and patterns. When it comes to brighter and low energy consumption lights, this product is the choice. Freeing people of replacing bulbs and cutting cost in electricity bills, it is certainly a cost-effective lighting product. The product features a high level of acid and alkali resistance.
We are marching forwards a lower carbon footprint production model. We'll do materials recycling work, engage in waste management, and actively conserve energy or resources.