Some lip gloss items online are marked "Free Sample" and could be ordered as such. Generally speaking, Guangzhou Bright Moon Cosmetics Co.,Ltd's regular goods are readily available for free samples. But in the event the customer has some particular requirements such as product size, material, color or LOGO, we shall bill the relevant expenses. We keen for your understanding that we would like to charge the sample cost that will be deducted once the order is supported.
Bright Moon Cosmetics has taken hand lotion manufacture as its core business. We are also building a future-oriented business portfolio. The efficacy skin care products series has become a hot product of Bright Moon Cosmetics. Optimized body frames of oil free makeup remover are obtained with such design of eye makeup remover. The product firmly fits the skins to enhance natural beauty. Quality feedback collecting will made to improve quality accordingly for skin hair removal cream. Made of organic material, it is paraben and cruelty-free.
Bright Moon Cosmetics aims to be an influential and a competent company in the future. Please contact us!