Some permanent makeup supplies items online are marked "Free Sample" and could be ordered as such. Generally speaking, Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd.'s regular goods are readily available for free samples. But in the event the customer has some particular requirements such as product size, material, color or LOGO, we shall bill the relevant expenses. We keen for your understanding that we would like to charge the sample cost that will be deducted once the order is supported.
As a leading microblading kit manufacturer in China, Qinmei Cosmetics highly value quality. The microblading kit series is one of the main products of Qinmei Cosmetics. In order to ensure users' safety, Qingmei best microblading products is strictly tested and has been certified under many international standards including FCC, CCC, CE, and RoHS. People do not have to worry about the problem of microbial diseases. It is very hygienic and safe for people to use.
We have gained a great deal of awareness towards the maintenance of natural ecological balance. During our production, we will oblige social responsibility. For example, we will be very careful about effluent disposal.