Some shoes & handbags shop fixtures items online are marked "Free Sample" and could be ordered as such. Generally speaking, Guangzhou Ouyee Display Co.,Ltd.'s regular goods are readily available for free samples. But in the event the customer has some particular requirements such as product size, material, color or LOGO, we shall bill the relevant expenses. We keen for your understanding that we would like to charge the sample cost that will be deducted once the order is supported.
With strong capacities of designing and manufacturing perfume rack stand , Ouyee is a revered company in the industry. The coffee shop design series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The production of OUYEE optical displays is supervised by experienced and skilled staff. Ouyee display furniture shows stable performance and long service life. The quality of products and services is the lifeline of the Ouyee's development. we display furniture is packed according to international standards.
OUYEE always regards high quality as the most important factor for an enterprise's success. Get more info!