The instruction manual is always beside leather bags manufacturer . If no such instruction manual is found, you are welcomed to contact us. Then an electronic version may be offered. The instruction manual is aimed at offering you detailed operation and installation info. If you find it hard to understand, video or other effective ways may be available based on the demand.
Being an experienced manufacturer and supplier of leather bags manufacturer, Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd enjoys a sound reputation among many customers across the world. We will show you the leather fanny pack series that is most popular with customers. This product features high hardness. The metal materials enable it to resist the influence of other objects that are much harder. It is under brand NIUCUNZH or MARRANT. OEM/ODM is available. Easy re-process function is one of the advantages that our customers like. They can add printed logos or images using different methods on the product. Its surface has been buffed and smoothed out.
Positive attitude and confidence is the goal we quest for. We encourage our employees to stay positive and show their vigorous energy and attitude no matter what problems they are facing. We believe this can improve the overall working efficiency. Check now!