Feat Top International(China)Co.,Limited has complete and specific instruction manuals for the products especially made for customers. As a professional company specialized in producing oversized sectionals , we have comprehensive specification prepared to help you operate and install our products more easily. We have been attaching great importance to high precision of each part and has employed experienced engineers to design products, which will simplify operation process.
Feat Top is considered as an outstanding company when it comes to the R&D and manufacture of office supplies. The bar stool is one of the main products of Feat Top. The product has passed the accreditation of ISO9001 quality management system. CNC manufacturing technology guarantees its high dimension stability. Installation service of is buffet live cooking station available in Feat Top Funiture. It is widely applied to large office space, chain restaurants, and star hotels.
In view of the growing depletion of vital resources and the rising burdens on our ecosystem, we constantly seek new solutions to minimize the ecological impact of our products and processes during manufacture.