Yes, waterproof dry bag is fully tested before shipment. Dongguan Prosperity Sports Goods CO. Ltd is a quality-oriented manufacturer with great achievements in quality control. Before we tapped into the global markets, we paid less attention to the ex-factory inspection, which results in the high rejection rate of the product. Now, since we have conducted detailed quality assurance rules and set up criteria for ex-factory product quality, the pass rate of the product has increased remarkably. Customers can rest assured about the product quality by remotely reviewing our QC process.
Over the years, Prosperity Outdoor Sport Goods has been an expert in manufacturing Waterproof dry bag. We are backed by years of production experience. Prosperity Outdoor Sport Goods produces a number of different product series, including Neoprene bag. The entire production process of Prosperity where to buy neoprene fabric strictly follows the international norms. It provides protection against many chemicals. The product is cost effective and currently widely used in the market. The high abrasion resistance ensures its long-term use.
Our goal is to design and produce the most professional, safest, most advanced and environmentally friendly products. We will attach more importance to R&D in the future to increase our innovative level and creativity.