Shanghai Zhanxing Industry Co.,Ltdbaby floats is not priced the lowest in the market. It is mainly because we adopt the most advanced techniques learned from foreign brands. The cheaper product might not be endowed with superior characteristics like our product does. Now the price can be deemed as the most cost-effective as we balance the cost for production machines, labor costs, and other expenses. Meanwhile, our product can be used for a long period, which cannot be competed by the product at a lower price.
In the past few years, Zhanxing has developed into a major inflatable furniture brand. Zhanxing's dog pools series contains multiple sub-products. Zhanxing pool mattress float is developed by our research team. Each year, a large amount of capital is invested to build up a professional team to create more energy-efficient, durable and price-competitive product. The product is not visible, so users won't be distracted by hotspots or glare. The only thing users will experience is life under a beautiful, glowing light. It is made of lead-free and fire-retardant materials.
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