Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd, as one of the strongest enterprises among similar competitors, holds a completed and fine warehousing service system. We pay attention to the customers’ requirements and communication with our staff working in the warehousing services department. We have a complete infrastructure construction in the warehouse and reasonable warehouse space allocation and efficient utilization rate of warehouse space, which can benefit the administrator to store the products. And all those can ensure that we can provide an extraordinary experience for our customers, and this kind of service can also build our company’s brand.
Relying on the rich experience in genuine leather bag, we guarantee not only leather duffle bag sale but also leather duffle bag sale of our products. Marrant provides a wide range of leather shoulder bag for customers. The product is relatively hypoallergenic. The dyes or chemical additives that would cause allergic reactions have been eliminated and removed during the production stage. Its leather will absorb oil from the skin. This natural process will cause the leather to form a glossy layer. The product well adapts to the market demands and will be applied more widely in the near future. The leather is treated with wax for water-repelling.
We always require employees to adhere to the principle of hard-working and efficient. We are determined to be a leader in this industry by helping clients create economic value.