Guangzhou yaoda leather co., LTD. Has a long-term cooperative relationship with many international well-known chain brand companies. In the supplier meeting held by customers, our company has won the honor of "best supplier" for many times, and has been unanimously recognized by customers in terms of quality, price and service.
Guangzhou yaoda leather co., LTD. Is a collection of sales, factory, design, after-sales service as one of the company, adhering to the customer first service purpose, is committed to serving every customer, and achieve the goal of win-win with customers.
Our company address is in guangzhou, China, the factory is well-equipped, 2000 square meters, 100 workers, has an independent design team, the company's products are rich, there are women's leather bags, women imitation leather bags, travel bags, cosmetic bags, wallets, men's bags, and exclusive design of cloth bags.
The company has a separate QC quality control department, each product has passed three strict inspection passes before the shipment, product quality is guaranteed. In recent years, the company has set up a after-sales service department to provide one-to-one service to customers, so as to make the best of the service and reward each customer with love. Welcome customers from all over the world to visit our company.