Q: What are the parameters of magnetic properties? What do they mean respectively?

   date:2020-10-27     browse:3    comments:0    
Summary:A: There are three main parameters:
Resume Br(Resume Industry), unit: Gaussian Gauss, that is, after removing the magnetic field from the saturated state, the remaining flux density represents the strength of the magnetic field that the magnet can p

A: There are three main parameters:

Resume Br(Resume Industry), unit: Gaussian Gauss, that is, after removing the magnetic field from the saturated state, the remaining flux density represents the strength of the magnetic field that the magnet can provide externally;

2) Restraint Hc(Chemical Force), units: Ostersteds, that is, placing the magnet in a reverse external magnetic field, when the applied magnetic field increases to a certain strength, the magnetism of the magnet will disappear, and this resistance to the applied magnetic field The ability is called stubborn force, It represents the anti-magnetic ability of the magnet;

2) Magnetic energy product BHmax, unit Gauss-Oersteds, which is the magnetic field energy generated by the unit volume material, is a physical quantity of energy that a magnet can store.

Article Source: Q: What are the parameters of magnetic properties? What do they mean respectively?
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