Wenzhou JinBang Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. is a reliable supplier of rotary vacuum dryer. We design, manufacture and sell high-quality products to small, medium and large enterprises. Wenzhou Jinbang Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. produces a number of different product series, including industrial column chromatography. In the design of Jnban chromatography separation, various elements have been thought of. They involve physical stress points, weight distribution, arch support, and various foot shapes. It has a good mechanical seal system to guard against dust from entering into. Wenzhou JinBang Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. is able to exceed customer expectations every day and drive efficiency. It can be sanitized by cleaning under elevated temperature and with chemical detergents.

Our corporate culture is to be innovative. That is, to work outside the box, to reject mediocrity, and to never drift along.