If you are looking for factories qualified for exports, be careful about whether the factories have the relevant certificates for exports. Normally, there are some trading companies which are qualified to import and export products including travel bag. Sofie Bag Co., Ltd. is on the list which is known for producing excellent quality products and a comprehensive service system. If you have any problems with our qualification as a factory for exports, please browse through our website. We also have service personnel to answer your questions.
Sofie is quality-oriented and has gained wide market in insulated bag field. chest bag produced by Sofie Bag is very popular in the market. This product has a convenient operation with long service life. It has smooth zippers which won't easily get stuck. The product is able to provide strong support for the building because it can withstand any kind of weather elements such as a hurricane. Its ergonomic shape can distribute the weight evenly.
The eternal tenet for Sofie Bag is to small insulated lunch bag in the process of small insulated lunch bag. Get quote!