If you are looking for factories qualified for exports, be careful about whether the factories have the relevant certificates for exports. Normally, there are some trading companies which are qualified to import and export products including v belt. JiNan ChenYang Precision co. LTD is on the list which is known for producing excellent quality products and a comprehensive service system. If you have any problems with our qualification as a factory for exports, please browse through our website. We also have service personnel to answer your questions.
ChenYang becomes competitive for the well-made hrb bearing. We have devoted to R&D and manufacture for years. ChenYang's FAQ series contains multiple sub-products. ChenYang Bearing custom timing belts has passed the tests required in the industry. They include a hipot test, leakage current test, insulation resistance test, etc. The product has the advantage of great impact strength. Our professional technicians have a clear understanding of the quality standards of the industry, and they test the products under their vigilance. Its shapes and dimensions can be customized on customer demand.
We take all efforts to minimize our negative impact on the environment. We will carry through our efforts to cut environmental impact in every part of our business - from product development, production to packaging.