Great care is taken in maintaining delivery accuracy in Guangzhou Bright Moon Cosmetics Co.,Ltd. The makeup face powder delivered is exactly the one that customers require. Before shipment, we'll confirm the high quality and amount of goods with clients. We'll affirm the consignee's information such as the shipping address and telephone number, by which the delivery process is perfect.
The Bright Moon brand is spoken highly of by customers in the industry. Bright Moon Cosmetics has created a number of successful series, and makeup finishing powder is one of them. The creation of Bright Moon eye makeup remover is in line with international electrical safety standards. It meets the requirements of IEC, EMC, CE marking, etc. After using this product, it radiates glory shine to the skin. This product is less likely to fade. It has passed the crocking test to verify that its color won’t transfer from one garment to another fabric or bleed. This product features environmentally friendliness because its materials are bio-degradable.
The goal of our company is to provide perfect product quality to win the trust of our customers at home and abroad.